Top 10k strings from Golden Chalice, The (1984)(RM Software).z80 in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [Z80] /

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   2 '"you can't do that.":
   2 '"which way?":
   2  JUNI 1984.
   1 z$="dismount"
   1 the golden
   1 ;"ragadan"
   1 ;"lost lands"
   1 .'"'"this list is not exhaustive."'"you will have to discover the"'"others yourself."
   1 )'"the lady says: i give that"'"which i may give."'"she gives you a ";o$(10
   1 ''"you see:":
   1 ''" you may not know much about"'"the roggoth - and this is not"'"surprising, since no one has"'"ever encountered one and lived"'"to tell the tale !"''" all that is known is that the"'"creature isvirtually"'"indestructable. it pursues its"'"prey relentlessly, once aroused."'" your only hope lies in speed."
   1 ''" according to legend there"'"existed, in the ancient temple"'"of ragadan, a golden chalice."'"drinking from the chalice was"'"reputed to confer immortality."
   1 '"your quest is to seek out the"'"temple, drink the immortal"'"draught, and return safely home."
   1 '"your adventure have exhausted"'"you - you are too weak to"'"continue."
   1 '"you wait.":
   1 '"you take the ";o$(n):
   1 '"you stand on the ";o$(33
   1 '"you slash at the ogre, but it"'"jumps aside.":
   1 '"you row the boat.":
   1 '"you replace the ";o$(n):
   1 '"you read the words:"'"HE WHO CALLS THE EAGLE OVER"'"WATER SHALL RETURN.":
   1 '"you open the ";o$(n):
   1 '"you mumble somesthing.":
   1 '"you mount the horse.":
   1 '"you may go:"
   1 '"you light the ";o$(10
   1 '"you injure the ogre,but it"'"attacks again.":
   1 '"you hear something crawling"'"along the passage behind you.":
   1 '"you hear rustling in the"'"undergrouwth.":
   1 '"you hear an earlie wailing in the"'"distance.":
   1 '"you hear a faint, unidentifiable"'"sound echiong along the caves.":
   1 '"you have with you:"
   1 '"you hack off the troll's head.":
   1 '"you go west."
   1 '"you go up."
   1 '"you go south."
   1 '"you go north."
   1 '"you go east."
   1 '"you go down."
   1 '"you glimpse a figure among the"'"trees,but it disappears.":
   1 '"you give the ";o$(n):
   1 '"you fight the ";o$(n):
   1 '"you examine the ";o$(n):
   1 '"you enter.":
   1 '"you encounter the troll as he"'"is leaving the cave."
   1 '"you eat the food.":
   1 '"you drop the ";o$(n):
   1 '"you drink the ";o$(n):
   1 '"you dismount":
   1 '"you deal the ogre a mortal blow."'"it stumbles away into the dark"'"passages.":
   1 '"you call the ";o$(n):
   1 '"you buy the ";o$(n):
   1 '"you ask for a ";o$(10
   1 '"you are in urgent need of"'"advice!! PRESS ANY KEY."
   1 '"you are arrested for stealing"'"the food. you spend the rest of"'"your life in the king's dungeon.":
   1 '"you are arrested as a horse"'"thief. You spend the rest of"'"your life in the king's dungeon.":
   1 '"with one blow the roggoth kills"'"you.":
   1 '"wedged into the crack is a pair"'"of oars.":
   1 '"two green eyes stare at you from"'"a dark recess, and disappear.":
   1 '"to move north, south, east, west"'"up, or down, type:"'"n, s, e, w, u, d"
   1 '"time has worn away much of the"'"carved work on the door, but you"'"are able to make out a few"'"incomplete words:"''"  ET HE W O IS WIT OUT"'"COM  WI HIN.":
   1 '"thus ends the quest of the"'"chalice of ragadan."
   1 '"the wounded knight cries:"'"a thief shall not have my sword!"''"he reaches up,and with his"'"last remaining strenght plunges"'"a dagger through your heart."'" you die instantly.":
   1 '"the wolf leaps forward and"'"attacks you."
   1 '"the wolf is motally injured"'"and runs off howling.":
   1 '"the troll grabs you, pounds"'"your head against the cave wall,"'"and makes a pie with you later"'"in the day
   1 '"the sun goes behind a cloud, and"'"the forest gloom deepens.":
   1 '"the roggoth kills you.":
   1 '"the roggoth enters.":
   1 '"the ogre parries your blow, and"'"lunges at you again.":
   1 '"the ogre kills you.":
   1 '"the ogre attacks you.":
   1 '"the knight drinks the water"'"gratefully,and says:"'"   thou art a good knight and"'"true. i am not long for this"'"world. take my sword, and use it"'"to rid these lands of evil."'"with a sigh, the knight dies."'"to your astonishment,four men,"'"dressed in white, enter."'"they take the body of the knight"'"and leave.":
   1 '"the hermit accepts gratefully.":
   1 '"the following verbs should be"'"entered as single words:"'"look, wait, dismount."
   1 '"the following verbs may also be"'"used, but but must be followed by"'"a noun:"'"open, take, mount, drop, buy,"'"climb."
   1 '"the chalice is full, almost to"'"the brim, of a clear golden"'"liquid with heady bouquet.":
   1 '"the ";o$(n);" makes no real"'"effort of resist,and dies.":
   1 '"something slinly slithers over"'"your foot.":
   1 '"something scuttles in a corner.":
   1 '"something creepy drops from"'"above. you brush it off.":
   1 '"on the ledge is an old, rusty"'"key.":
   1 '"on the ground is a crumpled"'"piece of paper resembling a map."
   1 '"nothing happens.":
   1 '"looking through the window, you"'"see below the vast expanse of"'"the underground lake. above is"'"the great vaulted cavern roof,"'"permeating all with its pale"'"greenish light.":
   1 '"in the chest is a purse"'"containing coins.":
   1 '"i hope you are sure about this!":
   1 '"i don't understand that.":
   1 '"don't be greedy!":
   1 '"beyond the door, stone steps"'"lead down.":
   1 '"before you, in an alcove, stands"'"the golden chalice of ragadan."
   1 '"an arrow whistles by, narrowly"'"missing you.":
   1 '"after some minutes you hear the"'"breating of gigantic wings."'"a huge eagle descends from the"'"sky, catches you in its tallons"'"and soars upwards again."'"the eagle flies across the vast"'"lake and deposits you carefully"'"on the weatern shore.":
   1 '"a snake hisses and slithers away":
   1 '"a frightened deer runs past.":
   1 '"a cobweb brushes your face.":
   1 '"a bat flies past, screeching.":
   1 '" you drift aimlessly and die"'"some days later....":
   1 '" you are on the road, with the"'"village visible in the distance."'" a rough track branches off."
   1 '" you are greeted by rousing"'"cheers from the villagers."'"within minutes the square is"'"filled with people,excited by"'"the news of your return."'" before many days are out, you"'"are crowned king, and during the"'"following centuries the land"'"prospers as you steadily acquire"'"the wisdom of age, while"'"retaining the vitality of youth."
   1 '" unfortunately, over the"'"centuries, the location of"'"ragadan has become lost. only"'"the legends remain."
   1 '" the troll emerges from the"'"cave. he looks about, but does"'"not see you standing among the"'"trees. he goes north.":
   1 '" the stableman offers the"'"horse for sale."
   1 '" the hermit says: to reach your"'"goal you must enter the"'"roggoth's lair. but beware!"
   1 '" the book rests in a recess. the"'"binding is of leather embossed"'"with beaten gold."
   1 '" for a moment nothing seems to"'"happen - but then a golden"'"warmth begins to spread through"'"your body as the ancient"'"enchantment takes effect."'" you are immortal...":
   1 '" a sudden breeze-first for"'"days-catches the boat and it"'"drifts fat out into the lake.":
   1 "you stand on a rocky shore, with"'"cliffs which tower above you.","steps are carved into the cliff"'"face."
   1 "you stand before a golden door,"'"carved with wonderful and"'"mysterious designs."
   1 "you stand at the foot of a"'"flight of roughly caved stone"'"steps. a dim greenish light"'"can be seen to the east."
   1 "you may also use expressions"'"such as 'climb onto 
   1 "you leave.":
   1 "you are in a small,dimly lit"'"room containing various items of"'"well-worn furniture."'" a door is open to the east."
   1 "what do you wish to do ?"';z$
   1 "to see what you are carrying: i"
   1 "there's nothing special to see.":
   1 "sword","food","purse","horse","hermit","cave","knight","stream","water","lamp","goblet","wolf","troll","roggoth","hut","lady","door","shop","stable","chest","oars","key","lake","window","book","eagle","steps","curtain","chalice","liquid","money","temple","bench","ledge","crack"
   1 "swo","foo","pur","hor","her","cav","kni","str","wat","lam","gob","wol","tro","rog","hut","lad","doo","sho","sta","che","oar","key","lak","win","boo","eag","ste","cut","cha","liq","mon","tem","ben","led","cra"
   1 "ope","tak","exa","ent","eat","dri","lea","fig","giv","mou","dis","loo","row","drp","lig","bre","cal","dig","sta","cli","buy"
   1 "it is too dark to see anything"'"clearly."
   1 "it is to dark to see anything"'"else."
   1 "boat","map","ogre","room"
   1 "boa","map","ogr","roo"
   1 "and fal...."':
   1 "an other go ?":
   1 " ypu reach a high rock face."'"the stream gushes forth from"'"a narrow crack at its base."
   1 " you travel east in the boat"'"for sometime, propeled by a"'"gentle breeze. but the breeze"'"dies, and the boat is becalmed"'"on the seemingly limitless and"'"utterly still green lake."'" far to the west you can just"'"see the shore you have left."
   1 " you stand in a vast hall, with"'"pillars of gold rising upwards"'"to a vaulted ceiling."
   1 " you stand in a small cave which"'"has obviously been occupied by"'"someone-or something-log ago."
   1 " you stand in a small alcove at"'"the southern end of the"'"corridor."
   1 " you stand in a colossal cavern"'"on the shore of an underground"'"lake stretching eastward as far"'"as you can see. the roof of the"'"cavern, hunderds of feet above"'"you, glows woth a pale greenish light."'" nearby are the entrances to"'"two tunnels."
   1 " you stand at the entrance of"'"thelegendary temple of ragadan."
   1 " you squeeze along a narrow"'"passage."
   1 " you pass among slimy, moss-"'"-covered tree trunks, picking"'"your way carefully across the"'"boggy ground."
   1 " you fall...":
   1 " you fall into a bottomless"'"chasm."
   1 " you come to a sheer wall of"'"rock. at the foot of the rock"'"face is a cave entrance."
   1 " you arrive at a small and"'"gloomy clearing."
   1 " you are unable to resist his"'"attack and are severly injured."'"you die two days later
   1 " you are on the market square of"'"a small, but busy village."'"and west."'" a road leads out of the village"'"to the east."
   1 " you are on the high road."'"a rough track branches northward"'" in the distance you see the"'"wood perilous."
   1 " you are on the cliff face. the"'"steps continue upwards, with a"'"dizzy sheer drop to the rocks"'"below."'"above you see the ruins of an"'"ancient temple."
   1 " you are on the bamk of the"'"stream on the western edge of"'"the wood."
   1 " you are on a rough track. in a"'"rocky outcrop by the track is"'"the entrance to a cave."
   1 " you are in the wood. to the"'"north is a door."
   1 " you are in the depths of the"'"wood, at the joining of several"'"infrequently trodden paths."
   1 " you are in a very dark chamber."'"steps lead up and down."
   1 " you are in a stable."
   1 " you are in a spacious cavern."
   1 " you are in a small stone"'"walled room."
   1 " you are in a small dark"'"chamber."
   1 " you are in a small cavern"'"which shows signs of having"'"been once inhabited by some"'"creature. high up - and just out"'"of reach, a ledge has been"'"carved out of the living rock."
   1 " you are in a small cave on the"'"lake shore. futher in, the cave"'"narrows to a mere crack which is"'"far to narrow for you to enter."
   1 " you are in a small but dry"'"cave."
   1 " you are in a passage which"'"slopes slightly downwards to"'"the east."
   1 " you are in a long straight"'"corridor."
   1 " you are in a large cavern -"'"the living quarters of the"'"roggoth."
   1 " you are in a foul-smelling"'"cave - it is clearly the"'"dwelling of a troll."
   1 " you are in a dark passage."'"in the dim light you see"'"rough stone steps."
   1 " you are in a dark and narrow"'"passage."
   1 " you are in a circular room at"'"the top of the tall tower."
   1 " you are following a path among"'"tall ferns."
   1 " you are by the stream. the wood"'"is to the east."
   1 " you are at the food of a flight"'"of stone steps, at a junction"'"of passages."
   1 " you are at a junction of"'"passages."
   1 " you are at a bridge by a"'"stream which runs along the edge"'"of the wood perilous."
   1 " you are among dense undergrowth"'"where the paths are difficult"'"to follow."
   1 " the trees thin out here, and"'"the way to the south is blocked"'"by a high cliff. a stream"'"tumbles down the cliff,"'"splashing down by the side of"'"a cave entrance."
   1 " the trees are close together"'"and the light poor. the ground"'"underfoot is wet and slippery."
   1 " the stream here enters a narrow"'"rocky vally."
   1 " the knight lies on the grass"'"some yards from the pool,"'"sorely wounded. he groans and"'" aske for water."
   1 " the bench is rougly hewn out"'"of solid wood."
   1 " nothing special."
   1 " inside the hut is an old woman"'"who sits at a spinning wheel."'" she says: i am all-seeing."'"say what you require."
   1 " in the lamplight you see a"'"frightfull drop into a chasm to"'"the east."
   1 " in the lamplight you see a"'"fearful drop into a chasm to"'"the north."
   1 " in the lamplight you see a"'"fearful drop into a chasm to"'"the north. in a recess in the"'"cavern wall you see an iron"'"door."
   1 " here the stream runs into a"'"clear, sparkling pool."
   1 " after rowing for many days"'"towards the east, you land on a"'"rocky shore with cliffs which"'"tower above you. steps are"'"carved into the cliff face."
   1 " a narrow stair rises from an"'"alcove in the north wall."'" a board stair leads downwards."
   1 " a ";o$(i):
   1  instructions"
   1  48 k spectrum